WILD12 News & Updates

WILD12 Call For Participation

You are invited to help us identify key themes for the Global Gathering on Knowledge, Wisdom, and Ways of Knowing to elevate the wilderness conservation work of all cultures and from all the world regions.

Submit your ideas here before November 24, 2023!

Greetings from the organizers of the WILD12 Global Gathering on Knowledge, Wisdom, and Ways of Knowing, which aims to bring people together from diverse cultures, societies, and regions to discuss wilderness stewardship issues from around the globe.

You are invited to help us identify key themes for the Global Gathering on Knowledge, Wisdom, and Ways of Knowing to elevate the wilderness conservation work of all cultures and from all the world regions. Please provide us with topics you would like to discuss as well as what types of formats you would like to participate in at the gathering (e.g., presentations, panel discussions, deep dialogue sessions, posters, and other opportunities for sharing). Additionally, please mark if you would be interested in contributing a paper to a proceedings publication. We request your input and expression of interest by November 24, 2023. Please submit your ideas here: 12th World Wilderness Congress.

A full call for abstracts will be issued in December 2023, along with details about early-bird registration and opportunities for travel scholarships. Plan to join us in the Black Hills of South Dakota in 2024! Please feel free to share this announcement with colleagues and others committed to wilderness stewardship and science.

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Michael Charton is the founder of Inherit South Africa, an enterprise aiming to shine light on the untold stories which bind human beings together.