WILD12 News & Updates

Call For Abstracts

Response Requested by March 15th, 2024

Greetings from the organizers of the WILD12 knowledge gathering. Our aim is to bring together people to discuss wilderness stewardship issues from around the globe. The Congress host is the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council of the Rosebud Sioux Reservation and on behalf of the Oceti Sakowin, the Seven Lakota Council Fires. Phil Two Eagle, the Executive Director of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, wants to welcome all people to the Lakota homelands to “witness what is happening to the land and to listen to it speak.” We hope you will come contribute your ideas, support the local community, meet new people, and visit with old friends.

Our call for interest in October 2023 generated several hundred ideas from the global community about potential topics, which informed the Congress themes. We invite you to submit abstracts for individual presentations or full sessions that elevate the wilderness conservation work from your part of the world. Click here to submit your abstract. All abstracts and presentations are expected to be in English.

We encourage you to submit ideas for contributions that address terrestrial and marine wilderness topics (for instance, management and stewardship, collaborative governance, biodiversity conservation, human-wildlife interactions, climate change) within the following themes:

  • Indigenous perspectives, ways of knowing, and wilderness meanings
  • Humanities, arts, creativity, and environmental philosophy
  • Justice, accountability, Indigenous sovereignty, and restored rights
  • Campaigns, Youth led-coalitions, community conservation, and citizen science
  • Connecting, restoring, expanding, and rewilding landscapes
  • Opportunities and challenges of green finance, public-private partnerships, and tourism
  • Ecological benefits, cultural meanings, physical/mental health, and intrinsic values
  • Applications of technology and data science

Thank you! We can’t wait to see you in August!

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Michael Charton is the founder of Inherit South Africa, an enterprise aiming to shine light on the untold stories which bind human beings together.