WILD12 News & Updates

Michael Charton To Speak At 12th World Wilderness Congress In August

The organizers and hosts of the 12th World Wilderness Congress are excited to announce that Michael Charton will speak at the Congress!

Michael Charton | WILD12 Speaker

Michael Charton grew up in Cape Town, qualifying as a chartered accountant through the University of Cape Town in 2004, before embarking on a traditional financial career. However, his subsequent studies in South African history would lure him from the corporate world. Specifically, Michael came to believe that the craft of historical storytelling had the potential to transform South Africa’s divisive national story into a source of unity. By 2015, this idea was sufficiently precise, prompting Michael to exit his financial career to found INHERIT SOUTH AFRICA. An enterprise aiming to shine light on the untold stories which bind human beings together.

Following a show in London, a member of the audience approached Michael, asking him if he knew the story of Ian Player and Magqubu Ntombela. Like many South Africans, Michael knew Ian player, but not Magqubu Ntombela. In closing that knowledge gap, Michael re-discovered a forgotten story about two men whose unlikely friendship and conservation initiatives (underpinned by ancient African wisdom) transformed wildlife conservation around the world. The product has been his highly acclaimed story, “Leave Some for the Honey Badger.”

The 12th World Wilderness Congress (WILD12) is a global forum to coordinate and mobilize the protection of Earth’s remaining wilderness and wild places. It convenes thousands of delegates from around the world approximately every 4 years to seek and agree upon new actions and principles in the stewardship of Earth. WILD12 is hosted by the Oceti Sakowin on behalf of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, and will place a special emphasis on reinterpreting wilderness through Indigenous perspectives.

To register for WILD12, please visit the link below.

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