WILD12 News & Updates

Pedro Gamboa To Speak At 12th World Wilderness Congress In August

The organizers and hosts of the 12th World Wilderness Congress are excited to announce that Pedro Gamboa will speak at the Congress!

Pedro Gamboa | WILD12 Speaker

Pedro Gamboa has more than 20 years of experience in Conservation and Sustainable Development issues. He is a lawyer from the University of Lima and has a Master’s degree in Law with a mention in Civil and Commercial Law from the San Marcos National Mayor University – UNMSM. In addition, he has teaching experience at UNMSM and the University of Piura. He was head and president of the Board of Directors of the of Natural Protected Areas National Service, he has also served as head of the Legal Advisory Office of the National Institute for the Development of Andean and Afro-Peruvian Communities, General Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Manager of the Legal Advisory Office of the National Food Assistance Program. Among his main achievements is having consolidated the Peruvian National System of Natural protected areas, a fact that earned him recognition as an Outstanding Person Award in the Field of Conservation from the Bruno H. Shubert Foundation and recognition with the Grand Officer Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. He is currently Director of Conservation and Social Articulation of the UNACEM Association, and among his various duties, he manages the Amancay Sanctuary Private Conservation Area with the involvement of local communities to generate sustainable benefits through conservation strategies of the lomas ecosystem.

The 12th World Wilderness Congress (WILD12) is a global forum to coordinate and mobilize the protection of Earth’s remaining wilderness and wild places. It convenes thousands of delegates from around the world approximately every 4 years to seek and agree upon new actions and principles in the stewardship of Earth. WILD12 is hosted by the Oceti Sakowin on behalf of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, and will place a special emphasis on reinterpreting wilderness through Indigenous perspectives.

To register for WILD12, please visit the link below.

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