Swati Hingorani To Speak At 12th World Wilderness Congress In August
The organizers and hosts of the 12th World Wilderness Congress are excited to announce that Swati Hingorani will speak at the Congress!

Swati is part of IUCNs Protected and Conserved Areas Team and coordinates Act30, a global initiative by IUCN, the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) and the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) on Target 3 of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Prior to this, Swati worked in IUCN’s Forest and Grassland team where she managed the Barometer, a restoration progress tracking tool for governments and the private sector. Before joining IUCN, Swati worked in South Asia for several years, designing and implementing field-level protection and community development projects in national parks and advancing trans-boundary dialogues on conservation. She is a Fulbright fellow from Columbia University, a member of the Board of Directors of the WILD Foundation and volunteers at the Humane Res[1]cue Alliance in Washington D.C.
The 12th World Wilderness Congress (WILD12) is a global forum to coordinate and mobilize the protection of Earth’s remaining wilderness and wild places. It convenes thousands of delegates from around the world approximately every 4 years to seek and agree upon new actions and principles in the stewardship of Earth. WILD12 is hosted by the Oceti Sakowin on behalf of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, and will place a special emphasis on reinterpreting wilderness through Indigenous perspectives.
To register for WILD12, please visit the link below.

Speaker Announcement: Reed Robinson
Reed Robinson is the director of the Office of Tribal Relations for the USDA Forest Service.

‘Sacred Return’: Tribal ceremony honors birth of prophesied white buffalo calf (link)
Chief Looking Horse presides over ceremony to honor calf attended by 500 people just west of Yellowstone National Park.

Meet EPC, Sponsor of WILD12!
In this Q&A, we delve into the work of EPC, an environmental consultancy with a deep commitment to wilderness preservation.

Resolution Guidelines
The World Wilderness Congress is unique among civil society environmental foras as it provides the public a direct and concrete instrument for setting the global environmental agenda: resolutions.

Speaker Announcement: Hinano Murphy
Hinano Murphy is a widely recognized expert in Tahitian cultural history. She grew up on Moorea and Tahiti learning oral traditions from her elders.