WILD12 News & Updates

Her Deepness, Sylvia Earle, to Speak at 12th World Wilderness Congress in August

The organizers and hosts of the 12th World Wilderness Congress are excited to announce that Sylvia Earle, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration’s first female Chief Scientist, National Geographic Explorer at Large, and Time Magazine’s Hero of the planet, will speak on Tuesday, August 27.

Sylvia Earle | WILD12

Sylvia Earle, also known as “Her Deepness” for setting the world record for untethered dives at a depth of 381 meters (1,250 feet), has spent her life as a tireless advocate for the oceans. As founder of Mission Blue in 2009, she has spent much of the last decade pursuing “Hope Spots”, special places that are scientifically identified as critical to the health of the ocean.

Earlier in her distinguished career, Earle conducted extensive research on the impacts of the first Gulf War on ocean life. She investigated the Exxon Valdez oil spills and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. She has spoken out against the destruction of the oceans at the United Nations and has been honored with numerous accolades for her lifetime contributions towards building greater understanding in the general public about our relationship with marine life.

Earle will share her reasons for hope in her address to WILD12 delegates.

The 12th World Wilderness Congress (WILD12) is a global forum to coordinate and mobilize the protection of Earth’s remaining wilderness and wild places. It convenes thousands of delegates from around the world approximately every 4 years to seek and agree upon new actions and principles in the stewardship of Earth. WILD12 is hosted by the Oceti Sakowin on behalf of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, and will place a special emphasis on reinterpreting wilderness through Indigenous perspectives.

To register for WILD12, please visit the link below.

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