Wilderness Lives In Us, And We Belong To It
Together We Can Keep Earth 
Just Released: 2024 Annual Report
The WILD.org team is proud to report to our many partners and donors that we made the world healthier, wilder, and more respectful through a variety of actions and achievements.
Saving Earth’s wilderness has the power to halt climate change, end mass extinction, and decrease the frequency of pandemics. The science is clear. To stop and reverse climate change, we must protect and restore wilderness. To save Earth’s biodiversity, comprising millions of life forms, from mass extinction, we must protect and restore wilderness. To decrease the frequency of novel viruses, we must protect and restore wilderness.
Every single one of us depends on wilderness. This is why the WILD Foundation is building a global movement to protect wilderness. When we do, we defend life and build a wild and healthy future for humanity.
Your help is needed in the global effort to keep Earth wild.
Movement Building
In order to change laws, leaders need to have public support
Policy Creation
80% of extinction is driven by the legal destruction of habitat
Boots On The Ground
These programs halt immediate destruction & loss of wild places
Investing in Tomorrow: CoalitionWILD’s Mentorship Motion
For decades, conservation has relied heavily on the deep wisdom and technical expertise of seasoned practitioners. Their hard-won knowledge has protected landscapes, endangered species, and cultural heritage across the globe. Yet as we stand on the brink of unprecedented ecological tipping points, there is an urgent need to cultivate the next wave of leadership—one that is agile, inclusive, and ready to inherit the mantle of responsibility.
Protecting the Sápmi Forest
Boreal forests are the largest land-based carbon sink yet Sweden is deforesting its old growth trees at a faster rate than the deforestation of the Amazon.
Indigenous Leadership in the Protection of Biodiversity
The important role of “the sacred” and Indigenous Peoples around the world in the stewardship of wild places is marginal. It’s time for that to change.