A Letter to My Friends in Wilderness

This article by the late George Duffy (retired U.S. Forest Service wilderness ranger) appears in the newest issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, August 2010. Editor’s Note: This “Farewell” essay was written by George Duffy to fellow wilderness stewards...
Action for Mexico’s Water Forest

Action for Mexico’s Water Forest

On 12 July, land owners conservationists, government authorities, national and international conservation organizations, scientists and business owners met to address the complex and highly urgent task of protecting, restoring and sustainably managing the Water...
What does TV teach us about wildlife?

What does TV teach us about wildlife?

An interesting article in the Huffington Post yesterday brought up an interesting conversation – one which I have personally contemplated for a while.  Many times, TV shows, documentaries or movies about nature provide an educational experience for viewers. ...
Marine Protection and Traditional Knowledge

Marine Protection and Traditional Knowledge

On many of the Pacific Islands, traditional knowledge of managing marine resources is passed down from generation to generation.  This knowledge is critical to the future health of these marine ecosystems, but with new environmental challenges and threats there is an...
The Healing Power of Nature

The Healing Power of Nature

The WILD Foundation and our sister organizations in The Wilderness Network were founded on the core belief that wilderness is an essential part of a healthy and sane society.  Dr. Ian Player, founder of the organizations within the network, pioneered interracial...
Marine Wilderness – A Powerful Planning Tool

Marine Wilderness – A Powerful Planning Tool

In light of the current state of the Gulf of Mexico – the many animals and plant species impacted and the long-term, not yet fully understood impacts of the BP oil spill – I think it is important to highlight some forward thinking work that the US, Mexican...
Update from KwaZulu Natal EduPeg Program

Update from KwaZulu Natal EduPeg Program

We just received the first quarter reports and newsletters from the EduPeg program, which continues to make a huge positive impact on the lives of children in Botswana and South Africa.  Below is a brief update on the KwaZulu Natal program, which includes 38 schools...