by Tim Nickles | Oct 20, 2016
In today’s world, cities are growing both in geographic size and population and often occupy the most attractive habitat available in a given area. The UN DESA report from 2014 estimates that 66% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2050 and this...
by Amy Lewis | Aug 24, 2016
On Friday, September 2nd, the WILD Foundation is teaming up with the Boulder Photo Festival (BPF) and Rayback Collective to curate a WILD Cities themed photo gallery which will unmask the multitude of ways people experience wild nature within their own cities. The...
by Jon Mobeck | Oct 8, 2015
The bold proclamation that we should protect and connect half of the planet’s lands, seas and waterways no longer silences a room. The eminent scientist E.O. Wilson, having made “Half-Earth” a central tenet of his eco-evangelism, has helped to expand our collective...