Threats Against Sámi Herders Escalate

Threats Against Sámi Herders Escalate

Like many Indigenous Sámi, Maidi Andersson was celebrating Sámi National Day. But for her and her reindeer community the celebration abruptly ended when she discovered the slain reindeer.

Giving Makes Earth Sacred

Giving Makes Earth Sacred

When we give freely of what we are not immediately using, we unleash the potential for an object, a resource, or even our own energy to fulfill a purpose and to give joy and meaning to the world.

A letter to the IUCN Director General

A letter to the IUCN Director General

I know that for many people, venturing into wilderness areas is a very important element for health and balance in their lives. I feel this as well, but also, for me, the nature directly around me is equally important.

Resolution Guidelines

Resolution Guidelines

The World Wilderness Congress is unique among civil society environmental foras as it provides the public a direct and concrete instrument for setting the global environmental agenda: resolutions.

Resolution Guidelines

Tribal Data Sovereignty

Tribal data sovereignty refers to the right of Indigenous Tribes or Nations to control and govern their own data. It emphasizes the autonomy and self-determination of Indigenous communities.

Resolution Guidelines

Wolakota Code

The premise of the Lakota society is based on respect or Waohola. Lakota traditional ways inform us that the following are good practices if one seeks to embody respect.