by Amy Lewis | Jun 9, 2020
In the 1960s South Africa of Apartheid, when non-white people were segregated and subjugated, our founders (Magqubu Ntombela and Ian Player) worked together in the wilderness and, with a team of many races and cultures, saved the white rhino from extinction.
by Amy Lewis | Jun 9, 2020
Environmental justice depends on human justice. You cannot have a world that protects nature without protecting its people first. Black Lives Matter.
by Amy Lewis | Apr 22, 2020
Our backyards and neighborhoods are teeming with wildlife, whether you know it or not.
by Amy Lewis | Apr 13, 2020
There is a critical message trying to cut through the tragedy and turmoil of the pandemic, a message that needs to go viral
by Vance Martin | Mar 30, 2020
We have a Nature Emergency like never before experienced…we need a Survival Revolution like never before imagined.
by Amy Lewis | Mar 2, 2020
The safety of our delegates and the larger community is our prevailing concern as the world confronts the emerging COVID-19 pandemic; with that in mind, we are postponing WILD11, the 11th World Wilderness Congress, which was scheduled to take place in March 2020.
by SusanCanney | Dec 11, 2019
by Crista Valentino | Nov 15, 2019
When we believe in something, it gains energy – but when we go to work on something, it gains power.
by Amy Lewis | Oct 25, 2019
Rapidly dwindling opportunities to act in time to end the Sixth Extinction and address the climate crisis leave many of us torn between what we think is likely about the future and what we think is possible.
by Daniel Meyer | Oct 16, 2019
There are many other ways to help support organisations and efforts that you care about, and sometimes they may actually bring you closer to the cause. We spoke with a few of our 2019 CoalitionWILD Ambassadors to collect their thoughts on ways to give that just might be more valuable than money.