2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress

2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress

It’s a frequent question we hear at WILD: what actually happens at international environmental gatherings? And does any of it actually help wild nature? It is my pleasure to report that, yes! WILD actually uses the international forum provided by such events to...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

On Friday, September 2nd, the WILD Foundation is teaming up with the Boulder Photo Festival (BPF) and Rayback Collective to curate a WILD Cities themed photo gallery which will unmask the multitude of ways people experience wild nature within their own cities. The...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

Next Steps for Realizing a Sustainable Future: Video

In a perfect world, no one would ever feel lonely or too small to take on the complex collective challenges we face. And on the evening of July 25th at the Macky Auditorium, for a 2.5 hour period the WILD Foundation and the International Society for Systems Sciences...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

Sustainability gets real in Boulder on July 25th

Climate experts convene at the Macky to discuss the future of sustainability & climate collaboration On July 25th, seven of the world’s leading climate visionaries and experts will converge at the Macky Auditorium to debate the crucial next steps humanity must...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

A Very WILD Earth Week

WILD is teaming up with a couple of our favorite local groups to celebrate Earth Week this year, and we want you to join! Fossil Free Your Life: Neighborhood Block Party As a part of #BoulderEarthWeek, WILD will join our friends at 350 Colorado for the very first...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

Calling All Young Change Makers!

By: Sierra Voss The environmental problems facing us are vast and complex, and necessitate the attention of experienced leaders. Without opportunities to develop experience, the next generation will be less prepared than they would be otherwise to tackle the...
Taking Action in 2016

Taking Action in 2016

Thanks to the outpouring of  generosity from our supporters, the 2015 WILD Half Campaign ended with a resounding success. We raised over $180,000 – making 2015 our best year ever! That means more resources to create wilderness victories in 2016 – victories that are...
Connecting to Nature with Forest Therapy

Connecting to Nature with Forest Therapy

By: Amos Clifford, Director of the Association of Forest Therapy Guides & Programs, and John Hendee, Trustee of the WILD Foundation Humans evolved in nature over 5 million years, yet today may live in highly mechanized, developed and stressful environments; for...
Innovate, Facilitate, Communicate, and CELEBRATE!

Innovate, Facilitate, Communicate, and CELEBRATE!

We work for a wilder world.  It’s not always easy – is often a real struggle – but we persist with, succeed in, and continue to learn from, many and different projects that we develop with our partners.  Our vision – sharpened through 40 years of practical experience...


By: Carol Batrus Gratitude: the quality of being thankful, a perfect descriptor for this season of Thanksgiving. In the mid 1990’s Oprah was on a crusade to have her audience keep a gratitude journal. Keeping a journal, highlighting the bounty of our lives, would show...
Protecting Earth’s Legacy

Protecting Earth’s Legacy

At a time when the global biodiversity crisis and climate change persist, World Heritage Sites (areas of special importance as recognized by UNESCO of the United Nations) represent an international model that incessantly reminds us about the wonder and uniqueness of...
Finding the sparks within

Finding the sparks within

By: Crista Valentino, CoalitionWILD Director For my 6th birthday in the early 90’s, my parents adopted a reintroduced Yellowstone National Park wolf on my behalf. In the photograph that accompanied the certificate stating our support, Matsi’s black and grey coat stood...