by Emily Loose | Jun 23, 2009
The field team in Mali has just sent some updates on the severe drought situation which threatened the survival of the unique elephants of Mali. Dr. Susan Canney, our conservation outreach specialist, and Jake Wall of Save the Elephants have been on-ground in Mali,...
by Emily Loose | Jun 18, 2009
Russel Wicka, a guest writer on Talking WILD, is a Supervisory Forest Technician for the Tongass National Forest, Yakutat Ranger District. This article was published in the Winter 2009 Alaska Region SourDough Notes. Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula is home to some...
by Emily Loose | Jun 16, 2009
The Prague conference was an exciting new step in the drive to protect the remaining 1% of Europe’s land that is still wild, with sincere congratulations hanks to the visionary chairmanship of Ladislav Miko (currently the Czech Minister of Environment), and the...
by Emily Loose | Jun 11, 2009
The Government of Canada has just announced designation of a huge addition to the Nahanni National Park in the NW Territory. The total size of this new protected area is some 7.5 million acres – nearly three times the size of Yellowstone National Park! ...
by Emily Loose | May 27, 2009
We have just recieved a short update from field crews in Mali, who are working tirelessly to help save the elephants, whose survival is threatened by the severe drought in the Gourma region. There are still many elephants coming and going into Banzena (the largest...
by Emily Loose | May 22, 2009
It’s been an intense week in Mali as WILD and our partner Save the Elephants (Kenya) have worked to help the suffering elephants. We’ve been at it on two fronts: internationally, with media and donors, and in the field in central Mali where STE expert Jake...
by Emily Loose | May 22, 2009
News from the Dhamra Port, Orissa: “We are absolutely delighted to see the turtles return to Gahirmatha in tune with their annual sojourn after giving the region a miss in 2007-2008 turtle season.” said Ashish Fernandes, Oceans Campaigner, Greenpeace...
by Emily Loose | May 20, 2009
The future of a rare herd of desert elephants in Mali is under threat from one of the worst droughts in living memory, which has left a key water source at its lowest level in a quarter of a century and is breaking down the usual peaceful co-existence between the...
by Emily Loose | May 5, 2009
Wilderness and climate change is not just about saving tropical forests in the Amazon. It is also about restoring wildland qualities (world-wide) that have been destroyed, and in the process increasing carbon sequestration capacity and increasing what are called...
by Emily Loose | Apr 22, 2009
(as a post script the the Ian Player Perspective – The Horn) I well remember the snowy day in 1982 in Scotland when I drove Ian around the Findhorn Bay, south of Forres, to the Cumming Estate. We were greeted by Gordon Cumming himself, had tea, and “talked...