Protected: Mali’s elephants get a new ally

“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

The WILD Foundation’s closest “family” organization, and co-founder with us of Wilderness Foundation Global, is Wilderness Foundation Africa. WFA joined forces with Peace Parks Foundation, Olsen Animal Trust and SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy in a very...
Global business leadership unites with Kayapo leaders

Global business leadership unites with Kayapo leaders

Flashbay, a global company specializing in customized technology products that promote paperless working, is announcing an important new partnership with the WILD Foundation and the Kayapo Project, which will strengthen the defense of the Amazonian rainforest and a...
Protected: Mali’s elephants get a new ally

Gaming for Wilderness

This week, thousands of gamers are coming together to support wild nature by playing The Legend of Zelda’s Breath of the Wild and donating to the WILD Foundation.     It all began when a young man named Matthew Moffit, better known as MC, created a...
Protecting Earth’s last remaining primary forests

Protecting Earth’s last remaining primary forests

Primary forests – often to referred to as “old growth” forests – are critical to nature conservation efforts – and to human wellbeing worldwide. They have the highest biodiversity, they produce the highest quality freshwater, serve as watersheds to many of the world’s...