“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

The WILD Foundation’s closest “family” organization, and co-founder with us of Wilderness Foundation Global, is Wilderness Foundation Africa. WFA joined forces with Peace Parks Foundation, Olsen Animal Trust and SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy in a very...
Gaming for Wilderness

Gaming for Wilderness

This week, thousands of gamers are coming together to support wild nature by playing The Legend of Zelda’s Breath of the Wild and donating to the WILD Foundation.     It all began when a young man named Matthew Moffit, better known as MC, created a...
Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

Exploring the Urban Wilderness on September 2nd

On Friday, September 2nd, the WILD Foundation is teaming up with the Boulder Photo Festival (BPF) and Rayback Collective to curate a WILD Cities themed photo gallery which will unmask the multitude of ways people experience wild nature within their own cities. The...
Calling All Young Change Makers!

Calling All Young Change Makers!

By: Sierra Voss The environmental problems facing us are vast and complex, and necessitate the attention of experienced leaders. Without opportunities to develop experience, the next generation will be less prepared than they would be otherwise to tackle the...
Connecting to Nature with Forest Therapy

Connecting to Nature with Forest Therapy

By: Amos Clifford, Director of the Association of Forest Therapy Guides & Programs, and John Hendee, Trustee of the WILD Foundation Humans evolved in nature over 5 million years, yet today may live in highly mechanized, developed and stressful environments; for...
Memories of wilderness: past, present & future

Memories of wilderness: past, present & future

Who doesn’t have a memory or two from childhood about an incredible wilderness experience? My childhood was blessed by wilderness – and it is important that children now, and in the future, have the same opportunities. I think back to my favorite outdoor adventures....
Solar lights up the Amazon

Solar lights up the Amazon

At our 8th World Wilderness Congress in 2005 (Anchorage, Alaska), WILD launched the Native Lands and Wilderness Council to ensure the inclusion of native leaders in mainstream wildlands conservation. Kayapo spokepersons participated in and have since become a valued...
WILD at the IUCN World Parks Congress

WILD at the IUCN World Parks Congress

The IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) meets only once every 1o years.  In the coming days, five of WILD’s program leaders and other close associates will be contributing significantly to the WPC program and conservation outcomes in Sydney, Australia. WPC 2014 is a...


Photos and blog by Geoff Dalglish Wild … it is arguably my favourite word and it is both a delicious state of being and an enticing place. I love the way it rolls off the tongue, almost like a caress … or reverberates when I shout it, echoing off the walls of...