A Reflection by Timothy Hass, WILD’s Trustee

I know that for many people, venturing into wilderness areas is a very important element for health and balance in their lives. I feel this as well, but also, for me, the nature directly around me is equally important.

Tech & Tradition – Q&A with Ruari Bradburn, Chief Technology Officer at Langland Conservation

“Tech & Tradition” delves into the evolving landscape of conservation, exploring the synergy between traditional wisdom and technological innovation.

Indigenous-led Conservation, a Holistic Approach – Q&A with Jordan Kennedy from Indigenous Led

Embark on an insightful exploration at the crossroads of environmental stewardship and cultural preservation through a Q&A with Jordan Kennedy.

Inclusive and Equitable Voting is a Must for a Better Future

Please join the WILD Foundation in sharing your views with the IUCN leadership on this matter in advance of their June 22 meeting. WILD is providing the simple letter template below for you to copy and paste and/or add your own comments!

Because You Are A Nature Protector

At WILD, we want to elevate the perspectives of people from all walks of life that are movers and shakers when it comes to environmental activism. We realize that diversity is the secret sauce to solving grand challenges, such as climate change and mass extinction.

Introducing PeaceParksTV

The Peace Parks Foundation is helping to reinvent our story with nature with the launch of PeaceParksTV.

In Memory of Rory Young

It takes a special person to dedicate their life to protecting wildlife in the most dangerous places in Africa. Rory Young was such a person.

Water Playlist

Water, in all its forms, has been an inspiration to humans over the ages in many ways. We’ve created a playlist of some of our our favorite songs and audibles about water.