Return of the Lynx

Return of the Lynx

In my undergrad ecology class at SUNY at Buffalo we studied predator/prey cycles and a well-studied phenomena of ecology is the predator prey cycle of the Canada lynx and Snowshoe hare.  I worked in a struggling record store while in college that also had used books...

Tracks of Giants expedition to launch May 1st!

May 1st is just around the corner! The Tracks of Giants website has been launched, the intro video is complete, people are following along on Facebook and Twitter, and the team is ready to go. Don’t miss out on this exciting journey–be sure to follow along...
Dr Ian Player receives the Anton Rupert Award

Dr Ian Player receives the Anton Rupert Award

Peace Parks Foundation CEO, Mr Werner Myburgh (second from right), hands the Anton Rupert Award certificate to Dr Ian Player (second from left). Dr Player and Mr Myburgh are flanked by Mrs Ann Player and by Dr Frank Raimondo, member of the Peace Parks Foundation...
“A heart for rhinos”– Interview with Dr. Ian Player

“A heart for rhinos”– Interview with Dr. Ian Player

In this upcoming April edition of Africa Geographic, Dr Ian Player–WILD’s founder–is interviewed by Rachel Lang about the past and present rhino poaching crisis. Dr Player is a ‘man of many reasons’ for wilderness: African game ranger, international...
Sleepwalking in the Wilderness, Part II

Sleepwalking in the Wilderness, Part II

“Wilderness, it is here I came to know myself, but it was only just the beginning, because I found the more you know your true self, the more you know about those around you,” J. Shaw, participant on trail with the Wilderness Leadership School, South Africa. I chose...
Rhino Briefing in DC

Rhino Briefing in DC

The rhino poaching crisis is escalating daily.  Of the world’s total rhinos (approximately 20,000 white rhino, and 4,000 black rhino), 80% are in South Africa, so that is where the poaching syndicates concentrate.  So far this year, until 15 March, 135 rhino have been...
Sleepwalking in the Wilderness

Sleepwalking in the Wilderness

Orion’s belt is now in the center of my sky.  The moon is half, waxing to full.  The air is cold, crisp and there is a heavy stillness, deathly quiet.  It is January 1, 2012, I think.  Something made me stir from my dreamtime and I slowly lift my eyelids to gather...
Forever Wild-YouTube Intervention

Forever Wild-YouTube Intervention

The Ogilvy Cape Town Agency created an interesting analysis of a new strategy developed in a social media campaign for our sister organization, the Wilderness Foundation South Africa. The members of the Wilderness Network, which includes the Wilderness Foundation...