The surprising reason behind the disappearance of wolves in Colorado

The surprising reason behind the disappearance of wolves in Colorado

Something alienates us from more meaningful days, even as it clamps down on our delight in life and gratitude for the wonder of nature. Can you guess what it is? Everywhere you go, it’s there, hidden in plain view. It’s carried on airwaves and spilling over the pages of magazines and newspapers.

What’s more important than a leader?

What’s more important than a leader?

There’s a video floating around YouTube that was shown to me years ago during a workshop on leadership. It’s of a crowd of people at an outdoor concert, most of which are lounging on blankets watching the show. The camera is focused on one man in particular, not far...
The Amazon is calling, will you pick up?

The Amazon is calling, will you pick up?

The Field Guide to Nature Needs Half, Part 4     Click here to find the previous installment of the Nature Needs Half Field Guide to the Kayapo Project.   This is the fourth installment of a five-part series featuring a partner project in the Nature...
Field Guide to Nature Needs Half

Field Guide to Nature Needs Half

Traditional Cultures & NGOs Ally to Prevent the Wholesale Deforestation of the Rainforest   This is the first installment of a four-part series featuring a partner project in the Nature Needs Half Network. Each installment will run weekly, and every month we...
5 Ways You Can Halt the 6th Great Extinction

5 Ways You Can Halt the 6th Great Extinction

Did you know that in the first half of 2017, WILD made it easier for people like you to help end the biodiversity crisis and halt the Sixth Great Extinction? You read that right! In April of this year WILD and the core members of the Nature Needs Half Network met for...
Nature Needs Us to Work Together with China

Nature Needs Us to Work Together with China

How often do you think about your relationship with China? If you’re anything like me before WILD launched the WILD China Project 18 months ago, probably not a lot. Even though we are all enmeshed in an intimate market-based relationship that we experience personally...
5 Ways You Can Halt the 6th Great Extinction

“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

The WILD Foundation’s closest “family” organization, and co-founder with us of Wilderness Foundation Global, is Wilderness Foundation Africa. WFA joined forces with Peace Parks Foundation, Olsen Animal Trust and SOUL Music & Performing Arts Academy in a very...
Global business leadership unites with Kayapo leaders

Global business leadership unites with Kayapo leaders

Flashbay, a global company specializing in customized technology products that promote paperless working, is announcing an important new partnership with the WILD Foundation and the Kayapo Project, which will strengthen the defense of the Amazonian rainforest and a...