The eye-opening effect of your donations to WILD

The eye-opening effect of your donations to WILD

$1 already protects 6 acres of elephant habitat – just imagine what $340,000 will accomplish Wilderness needs you. Maximize your investment in wilderness and help WILD meet its end of the year fundraising goal – $340,000 for a wilder planet! I bet you think doing...
All You Need is Love…and Nature

All You Need is Love…and Nature

Nature has needs and so do humans. How do we respect both for the long-term health and success of the planet?  By: Harvey Locke, Nature Needs Half visionary I want to state the obvious that too often goes unsaid: Nature is the context for all life, including ours. We...
Incredible People Choose a WILD World

Incredible People Choose a WILD World

To keep the world wild, first recognize that wilderness is a choice preserved and protected by the sum of our decisions. Then embrace the fact that “our” decisions for wilderness begin with yours. What type of world do you choose to create?  Such a simple question has...
Memories of wilderness: past, present & future

Memories of wilderness: past, present & future

Who doesn’t have a memory or two from childhood about an incredible wilderness experience? My childhood was blessed by wilderness – and it is important that children now, and in the future, have the same opportunities. I think back to my favorite outdoor adventures....
I asked a Juniper what it needed and its answer was amazing

I asked a Juniper what it needed and its answer was amazing

The bold proclamation that we should protect and connect half of the planet’s lands, seas and waterways no longer silences a room. The eminent scientist E.O. Wilson, having made “Half-Earth” a central tenet of his eco-evangelism, has helped to expand our collective...
I Am The WILD Half

I Am The WILD Half

Across the Earth, the campaign for wilderness and the preservation of our wild spaces is on the move. From Alberta’s recent decision to establish a wildlife corridor between the Montana border and Banff, to the creation in 2014 of the Pacific Remote Islands National...
I asked a Juniper what it needed and its answer was amazing

A New WILD: The Final Piece

Part III of our New WILD Story is now complete and our team is thrilled to share this third and final piece that pulls it all together: a brand new online presence for our story going forward. WILD has accomplished much in the past 40+ years with the support of many...

A New WILD, Part II

“Around a campfire, in the iMfolozi Wilderness of South Africa…our story began.” We’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with Dom Nero and Magnalux Pictures to create the second piece of our New WILD Story. This short video energetically shares...
A New WILD, Part I

A New WILD, Part I

As fallen leaves begin to outline our trails here in Colorado’s autumn, WILD prepares for its next season by writing the introduction to a new chapter. We have not one, but THREE exciting announcements to share with you in the next two weeks. Here’s Part I of...
Solar lights up the Amazon

Solar lights up the Amazon

At our 8th World Wilderness Congress in 2005 (Anchorage, Alaska), WILD launched the Native Lands and Wilderness Council to ensure the inclusion of native leaders in mainstream wildlands conservation. Kayapo spokepersons participated in and have since become a valued...
WILD at the IUCN World Parks Congress

WILD at the IUCN World Parks Congress

The IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) meets only once every 1o years.  In the coming days, five of WILD’s program leaders and other close associates will be contributing significantly to the WPC program and conservation outcomes in Sydney, Australia. WPC 2014 is a...
Team Rhino: Conservation Groups Unite for World Rhino Day

Team Rhino: Conservation Groups Unite for World Rhino Day

Since the day The WILD Foundation was born in the African wilderness, we’ve dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy to protecting Africa’s magnificent rhinos. Our founder Dr Ian Player is well known as being the initiator and team leader of the...


Photos and blog by Geoff Dalglish Wild … it is arguably my favourite word and it is both a delicious state of being and an enticing place. I love the way it rolls off the tongue, almost like a caress … or reverberates when I shout it, echoing off the walls of...
Conservation Photography: The Big Picture

Conservation Photography: The Big Picture

We can be nature’s eyes. Conservation photography has been a long-time medium for furthering environmental issues and success stories. Beginning in the 1860’s with photographers like Ansel Adams & William Henry Jackson, these images have served as a...