A Reflection by Timothy Hass, WILD’s Trustee

I know that for many people, venturing into wilderness areas is a very important element for health and balance in their lives. I feel this as well, but also, for me, the nature directly around me is equally important.

Tech & Tradition – Q&A with Ruari Bradburn, Chief Technology Officer at Langland Conservation

“Tech & Tradition” delves into the evolving landscape of conservation, exploring the synergy between traditional wisdom and technological innovation.

Indigenous-led Conservation, a Holistic Approach – Q&A with Jordan Kennedy from Indigenous Led

Embark on an insightful exploration at the crossroads of environmental stewardship and cultural preservation through a Q&A with Jordan Kennedy.

Tracks of Giants: Personal Reflection

The TRACKS team were due to cross the border into western Botswana today, 27 May,  at remote Dobe and to meet PJ Besterlink, old friend and...

Tracks of Giants: Crossing the Desert

I have been to the tiny dusty village of Puros a number of times, but never had this collection of drab tin and pre-fab dwellings been such a...

Tracks of Giants: Getting Ready

After meetings in Washington DC in late April, everything was focused on gathering exit speed in the US to head to NW Namibia to join the team...

Return of the Lynx

In my undergrad ecology class at SUNY at Buffalo we studied predator/prey cycles and a well-studied phenomena of ecology is the predator prey cycle...

Sleepwalking in the Wilderness, Part II

“Wilderness, it is here I came to know myself, but it was only just the beginning, because I found the more you know your true self, the more you...

Rhino Briefing in DC

The rhino poaching crisis is escalating daily.  Of the world’s total rhinos (approximately 20,000 white rhino, and 4,000 black rhino), 80% are in...

Sleepwalking in the Wilderness

Orion’s belt is now in the center of my sky.  The moon is half, waxing to full.  The air is cold, crisp and there is a heavy stillness, deathly...

Forever Wild-YouTube Intervention

The Ogilvy Cape Town Agency created an interesting analysis of a new strategy developed in a social media campaign for our sister organization, the...