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WILD9 Resolutions - WILD Foundation

WILD9 Resolutions

Below are the resolutions from WILD9.  Please follow the links to see the full resolutions and comment or download each resolution in English or Spanish.

1. TITLE: Support for the Consolidation of the MesoAmerican Biological Corridor / Apoyo a la consolidación del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano
Proposer: Olivier Chassot
Seconders: Liz Gonzalez and Jim Barborak
Download: EnglishSpanish

2. TITLE: Protecting Old-Growth Forests for Climate Change Stabilization /Protegiendo Bosques Primarios para las estabilización climática
Co-Proposers: Hawk Rosales and Noah Levy
Co-Seconders: Tashka Yawanawa and Samuel Gargan
Download: EnglishSpanish

3. TITLE: Aligning Federal Development policies with PNA Conservation Management Plans /Alineamiento de políticas de desarrollo en áreas de influencia con respecto a los planes de manejo de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP)
Proposer: Manuel del Monte, Jorge Benitez
Seconders: Reforestamos Mexico, AC ; Applied Ecology of Southeast AC
Download: EnglishSpanish

4. TITLE: Proposed Mining within New Zealand’s Protected Area System /  Minería propuesta dentro del sistema de áreas protegidas de Nueva Zelanda
Proposer: Bruce E Jeffries
Seconders: Dr. Graeme Worboys
Signatory: Harvey Locke, Larry Hamilton
Download:  EnglishSpanish

5. TITLE: Flathead National Park and Canadian Rocky Mountain Wildlife Connectivity / Conectividad entre el Parque Nacional Flathead y la vida silvestre en las montañas Rocallosas canadienses
Proposer: John Bergenske
Seconders: Marie-Eve Marchand, Jennifer Miller
Download:  EnglishSpanish

6. TITLE: North American Wildlife and the US-Mexico Border / La vida silvestre de Norteamérica y el Muro Fronterizo EE.UU.-México
Proposer: Krista Schyler
Seconders: Jeff Foott, Miguel Anda de la Cueva
Download: EnglishSpanish

7. TITLE: Wilderness areas in Europe / Áreas Silvestres en Europa
Proposer: Erika Stanciu, Europarc Federation
Seconders: Jo Roberts, The Wilderness Foundation UK
Download: English Spanish

8. TITLE: Young Professional involvement in Nature Conservation and IUCN-WCPA / Resolución de WILD9 sobre la participación de Jóvenes Profesionales en la conservación de la naturaleza y la UICN-CMAP
Proposer: Marie-Eve Marchand
Seconders: Emily Loose, Svetlana Kopylova
Download: English /   Spanish

9. TITLE: Advancing Boreal Forest Conservation in Canada / Avanzando en la conservación del Bosque Boreal en Canadá
Proposer: Ron Thiessen
Seconders: Patrick Nadeau
Download: EnglishSpanish

10. TITLE: Concise statement of relevant findings and recommendations of the 9th World Wilderness Congress (WILD9) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Negotiations / Declaración concisa de resultados y recomendaciones pertinentes del 9º Congreso Mundial de Tierras Silvestres (WILD9) para las negociaciones relativas a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC)
Proposer: Glenys Jones
Seconders: Ambassador Mphakama M Mbete, Bruce Jefferies, Charles Tumwesigye
Download: EnglishSpanish

11. TITLE: Protecting Maritime Wilderness Parks from aquatic nuisance species / La protección de parques de áreas silvestres marítimas contra la transferencia de especies acuáticas fastidiosas de buques lastrados
Proposer: Phyllis Greene
Seconders: Robin Reilly, Bruce Hamilton
Download:  English /  Spanish

12. TITLE: Central Mexico’s Water Forest: Wilderness Area of Maximum National Priority Given the Ecological Services it Renders to over 20 Million People / El “Bosque de Agua” del Centro de Mexico: Area Silvestre de Maxima Prioridad Nacional dados los servicios ecologicos que les prove a mas de 20 millones de personas
Proposer: Beatriz Padilla
Seconders: Ramon Perez Gil Salcido, Jurgen Hoth von der Meden
Download: English Spanish

13. TITLE: WILD Awards for Wilderness Heroes / Premios WILD a Héroes de las Tierras Silvestres
Proposer: Glenys Jones
Seconders: Peter Landres
Download: EnglishSpanish

14. TITLE: Protection of Antarcticas wilderness values / La protección de los valores silvestres de Antártica
Proposer: Tina Tin
Seconders: Bruce Jeffries, Harvey Locke, Kerry Wray
Download:  EnglishSpanish

15. TITLE: Mega Connectivity conservation in the Altai Sayan Mountains of Central Asia / Conservación de megaconectividad dentro de las montañas Altai Sayan de Asia Central
Proposer: Tatyana Yashina
Seconders: Dr. Graeme Worboys
Signatories: Harvey Locke, Larry Hamilton
Download:  EnglishSpanish

16. TITLE: Recognition of the rights of nature in the Mexican constitution and in that of all other nation states / Reconocimiento de los Derechos de la Naturaleza en todas las Naciones
Proposer: Fernando Ortiz Monasterio
Seconders: Bittu Sahgal, Terry Tanner
Download:  EnglishSpanish

17. TITLE: Legislation for the protections, management and planning of landscape in Mexico / Legislación para la protección, la gestión y la planificación del paisaje en México
Proposer: Fernando Ortiz Monasterio
Seconders: Michael Calderwood, Alfredo Medina Chemor, Beatriz Padilla
Download: English / Spanish

18. TITLE: Zero waste at the 10th wwc / Cero desperdicio en el 10° Congreso Mundial de Tierras Silvestres
Proposer: Andrew Reuter, Date Harris, Emily Sloane
Seconders: Steve Carver, Kevin Hood
Download: EnglishSpanish

19. TITLE: A call for united states federal land management agencies to hire more wilderness stewards / Un llamado a los organismos de gestión de las tierras federales de Estados Unidos para contratar más encargados de las tierras silvestres
Proposer: Kevin Hood
Seconders: River Yang, Emily Sloan
Download: English /   Spanish

20. TITLE: Reduction of water pollution for the recovery of the Sali basin, Tucuman, Argentina / Reducción de contaminación del agua para la recuperación de la cuenca de Salí, Tucumán, Argentina
Proposer: Priscila ana Powell
Seconders: Jose Gerardo Guerra, Mariano Becerril Tesillo
Download: EnglishSpanish

21. TITLE: Recognition of public lands in Utah, usa that quialify as wilderness study areas / La necesidad de reconocer Wilderness Study Areas (WSA o Áreas para el Estudio de Tierras Silvestres) adicionales en las tierras públicas de Utah, EEUU
Proposer: Victoria Allen
Seconder: Priscila ana Powell
Download: EnglishSpanish

22. TITLE: Cooperation towards global ecological connectivity /Cooperación para una Conectividad Ecológica Mundial
Propser: Juan e Bezaury Creel
Seconders. Exequiel Ezcurra
Download: EnglishSpanish

23. TITLE: Involving Ecuador’s Indigenous Peoples in the Decision Making For Extractive Industry/Suspender concesiones extractivas dentro de los territorios de los pueblos indigenal del Ecuador
Proposer : Luis Narvaez Cordoba
Seconders: Herculano Nava Batista, Beatriz Padilla
Download: EnglishSpanish

24. TITLE: Cancellation of Permits to Cut Down Trees in the Tarahumara Lands within the Panalachi Ejido (communal farmland), Bocoyna, Chihuahua, Mexico/Cancelación de permisos de tala de bisque en las tierras tarahumaras del ejido panalachi, minucip de bocoyna, chihuahua Mexico
Proposer: Herculano Nava Batista
Seconders: Luis Narvaez Cordoba, Beatriz Padilla, Jurgen Hoth Von Der Meden
Download:  EnglishSpanish

25. TITLE: Clean water for wildlife and for the san people in tsodilo hills, Botswana/Agua Limpia para la vida Silvestre y para el Pueblo san en las Colinas de Tsodilo, Botsuana
Proposer: Beatriz Padilla
Seconders: Herculano Nava Batista, Jurgen Hoth von der Meden
Download:  English /   Spanish

26. TITLE: Ban of shark finning/Prohibición de shark finning (aleteo de tiburones)
Proposer: Ulf Doerner
Seconders: Drummond Densham, Robert C Baron
Download: EnglishSpanish

27. TITLE: Sharks The Worlds Climate Preserver/El tiburón – preservador del clima mundial
Proposer: Ulf Doerner
Seconders: Drummond Densham, Robert C Baron
Download:  EnglishSpanish

28. TITLE: Proposed Establishment of a New Zealand Game Animal Council/Propuesta para el establecimiento de un Consejo Neozelandés de Animales de Caza
Proposer: Bruce E Jeffries
Seconders: Dr. Graeme Worboys
Download:  EnglishSpanish

29. TITLE: Heart of the continent partnership – USA/Canada border/Heart of the Continent Partnership (Alianza Corazón del Continente) – Frontera EEUU/Canadá
Proposer: Robin Reilly
Seconders: Lawrence Hamilton, Phyllis Green, Bruce Hamilton, Christine Boston, Ernesto Enkerlin Hoeflich
Download:  English /   Spanish

30. TITLE: Indigenous peoples, climate change, sacred sites and protecting the wild/Resolución sobre los pueblos indígenas, el cambio climático, los lugares sagrados y la protección de las tierras silvestres
Proposer: Dr. Linda Moon Stumpff
Seconders: Peg Putt, Alan Watson
Download:  EnglishSpanish

31. TITLE: Asia Pacific collaboration for wildernss values: Kamchatka, UNDP and international cooperation/Colaboración Asia-Pacífico para valores silvestres: Kamchatka, PNUD y Cooperación Internacional
Proposer: Olga Krever, Laura Williams, Andrey Starikov, Marta Madson
Seconders: Damon Bowen, David Ostergren et al.
Download: EnglishSpanish

32. TITLE: Transboundary Wilderness Conservation on the Czech/Bavarian Border/Conservación de tierras silvestres transfronterizas en la frontera Checoslovaquia/Baviera
Proposers: Till Meyer
Seconders: Zdenka Krenova;  Barbara Promberger-Frpass
Download: EnglishSpanish

33. TITLE: Protection of white, non-albino animals/Protección de animales blancos no albinos
Proposer: Samuel Gargan
Seconders: Francois Paulette, Ilarion Merculieff, Linda Tucker
Download:  EnglishSpanish

33a. TITLE: Transboundary parks and wilderness areas in Mexico/México – Tierras silvestres y áreas transfronterizas
Proposers: Patricio Robles Gil, Vance. G Martin
Seconders: Jaime Rojo
Download:  EnglishSpanish

34. TITLE: Wilderness Policies and legislation in Mexico/Política y Legislación de Tierras Silvestres en México
Proposer: Lic Martin Alberto Guiterrez Lacayo
Seconders: Pedro Solano, Cyril Kormos
Download: EnglishSpanish

35. TITLE: Policy and Legislation for wilderness in the Amazon/Política y Legislación de Tierras Silvestres en la Amazonía
Proposer: Pedro Solano
Seconders: Lic Martin Alberto Guiterrez Lacayo, Cyril Kormos
Download: EnglishSpanish

36. TITLE: Recognition and conservation of sacred natural sites in protected areas/Reconocimiento y conservación de lugares naturales sagrados dentro de áreas protegidas
Proposer: Bas Verschuuren
Seconders: Fernando Ortiz Monasterio
Download: EnglishSpanish

37. TITLE: Conservation of the Mirador-Calakmul cultural and natural system/Conservación del Sistema Cultural y Natural Mirador-Calakmul
Proposer: Dr. Richard Hansen
Seconders: Josephine Thompson, Julio Cotom et al.
Download:  EnglishSpanish

38. TITLE: Broadening the use of GEO systems for the functioning of wilderness areas/Ampliar el uso de sistemas GEO para el funcionamiento de áreas silvestres
Proposer: Conrad Lautenbacher
Seconders: James Moseley, Julia Gaskin
Download:  EnglishSpanish

39. TITLE: Trucking pollution along Mexico-US border/Contaminación debida al transporte por carretera por la frontera EEUU-México
Proposer: Timothy Towell
Seconders: Howard G. McClintic, Katharine Mears
Download: EnglishSpanish

40. TITLE: Wilderness responsibility and opportunity in agriculture/Responsabilidad y oportunidad en la agricultura en materia de tierras silvestres
Proposer: Christopher Dowslee
Seconders: James Moseley, Julia Gaskin
Download: English /   Spanish

41. TITLE: Funding for conservation communications/Financiamiento para la comunicación de la conservación
Proposer: Christina Mittermeier
Seconders: Gemma Webster, Rosamund Kidman Cox at all.
Download:  English /   Spanish

42. TITLE: Wild 10 as an empowering platform for children and youth/Wild10 como una plataforma de empoderamiento para niños y jóvenes
Proposer: Marcela Osorio, Jose Castro
Seconders: Gael Almeida, Claudia Lechuga
Download:  EnglishSpanish

43. TITLE: The need to better integrate human food production and wilderness/nature conservation
Proposer: James Moseley
Seconder: Christopher Dowsell
Download: English